Black Magic Tan Remover

Black Magic Tan Remover
One of the most common asked questions regarding a spray tan - HOW DO I GET IT OFF?
Black Magic Tan Remover will help shift that unsightly tan that you are so keen to remove.
Specially formulated using to remove spray tan buildup for people who just love getting spray tan, also helps tone down colour for Body Builders and Competitors who have had to heavy coat for competitions.
Black Magic Tan Remover contains all natural ingredients including Aloe Vera, Shea Butter, Red Riboose Tea) sunflower seed oil and Kiwi fruit.
Directions for use -
Dampen the area that you wish to remove tan from.
Rub Tan Remover onto skin and leave on for 10 mins.
You may soak in the bath whilst wearing Black Magic Tan remover
After 10 mins has passed using a Black Magic Xfoliator Mitt gently rub away the excess tan.